Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Delayed Echocardiogram Report

I'm still waiting to get my latest echo report. I called the surgeon's office yesterday and they told me that they just received it. Really? Since November 20? Where has it been all that time, I wonder? What if it had contained some dire aneurysm about to burst? I could be dead my now. Anyway, a nurse has to review it then they'll send it out to me, I was told. I guess they have their policies but this all seems peculiar.

I'm enjoying my walks still and yesterday afternoon I walked my two miles at a fairly quick pace. I am breathing harder than I should have to but except for that I feel pretty good. There's the rub. If I'm told the time has come for surgery and I'm still feeling pretty good that makes it tough in some ways. It would be easier to go into surgery if I had severe symptoms, but that would mean damage had already been done to the heart. So I'll listen to the recommendation of the surgeon when i see him on January 6.


Dan B said...

I had those feelings too - i felt physically fine - no different to what I had always felt. There was a few times denial started to creep in but you've just got to shut it out as soon as possible or it will drive you crazy :)

Remember prevention rather than cure, and a continued healthy life afterwards! :)

Jim Kelly-Evans said...

Thanks, Dan, I know you're right. You just have to push ahead, and listen to those you trust.