Friday, March 20, 2015

One Month Anniversary

My recovery is progressing. With the warmer weather the snow and ice has melted away. I am now able to walk outside. I can take a morning walk for about an hour and once again in the evening. I cannot cover as much distance yet, but it feels good to get the fresh air and sunshine. I am fine medically. I have no problems now related to my surgery. I still have to take too many pills and drugs, but I hope to be able to discontinue taking some of them very soon. This week I had appointments to see my surgeon and my cardiologist. These were the first follow-up appointments since I was released from the hospital. The sutures in my chest were removed and my incision is healing nicely. My cardiologist let me discontinue Metoprolol...and I immediately noticed more energy and pep and I felt better. Now it is all about regaining my strength and stamina. I am planning to attend the York TCA train meet in April. I usually go for a couple of days...Wednesday through Friday. I should be strong enough by then to enjoy the meet.

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