Summary 1. Left ventricle: Size was normal. Systolic function was normal by visual assessment. Ejection fraction was estimated in the range of 55 % to 60 %. There were no regional wall motion abnormalities. There was mild concentric hypertrophy. Left ventricular diastolic function parameters were normal. 2. Aortic valve: A bioprosthesis was present. It exhibited normal function and normal motion. The leaflets appeared normal. There was a normal-appearing sewing ring and no rocking motion of the sewing ring. There was trivial aortic regurgitation. There was no significant perivalvular aortic regurgitation. Valve peak gradient was 12 mmHg. Valve mean gradient was 7 mmHg. The aortic valve obstructive index (by VTI) was 0.68. 3. Aorta, systemic arteries: The root exhibited mild dilatation, but represents proximal aortic graft after reconstruction of the proximal ascending aorta.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Surgical Evaluation
Monday, July 20, 2015
Cardiac Rehab
I attended 10 cardiac rehab sessions. I think they were useful for a couple of reasons. First, you are monitored with a running EKG in progress while you exercise. This is reassuring as you exercise and begin to test your exercise tolerance limits. Second, attending rehab gets you into a regular routine of cardiovascular exercise designed to improve your fitness level. This is particularly important for individuals who would not otherwise exercise. Since I already exercise daily, and the trek and expense to rehab was significant, I decided to withdraw from the program after 10 sessions. I do plan to resume workouts that elevate my heart rate into the target range for me. This will be in addition to my walking and my workouts with weights combined with stretching. It's important to keep active as we age to avoid the trap of becoming frail prematurely.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
Four Month Evaluation

I was in Philadelphia last week for my first post-operation medical evaluation. My first post-op echocardiogram since discharge was completed and I met with my cardiologist. Everything looks very good. My new aortic tissue valve is performing beautifully with no leakage and low gradients. This is good news. MY next appointment with my cardiologist is set for January, 2017. I am continuing cardiac rehabilitation, walking, and working with weights combined with stretching. The idea is to ward off becoming frail with age.